High Pass Rate C-CPI-2404 Exam Guide - C-CPI-2404 Latest Practice Dumps

High Pass Rate C-CPI-2404 Exam Guide - C-CPI-2404 Latest Practice Dumps

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SAP Certified Associate - Integration Developer Sample Questions (Q30-Q35):

You want to set up Exchange Properties in an integration flow. Besides a Con-tent Modifier, what can you use?

  • A. Batch scripting
  • B. Groovy SDK scripting
  • C. Python scripting
  • D. XML scripting

Answer: B

The Groovy SDK scripting can be used to set up Exchange Properties in an integration flow. The Groovy SDK scripting allows you to access and manipulate message headers, properties, and payloads using Groovy scripts. You can use the setProperty method to set an Exchange Property with a name and a value. Reference: Modernize Integration with SAP Integration Suite | openSAP

What are some advantages of creating an OData interface through an API pro-vider? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Automatic creation of a WSDL specification
  • B. Automatic creation of a RAML specification
  • C. Automatic creation of an openAPI specification
  • D. Automatic creation of a Swagger UI

Answer: C,D

Some advantages of creating an OData interface through an API provider are automatic creation of a Swagger UI and an openAPI specification. A Swagger UI is a web-based tool that allows you to interact with the OData service and test its functionality. An openAPI specification is a standard format for describing the OData service and its metadata, which can be used by other tools and applications. Reference: Integration Software | SAP Integration Suite, Modernize Integration with SAP Integration Suite | openSAP

Which expression language can you use to access the content of a message in an integration flow?

  • A. Simple expression language
  • B. Spring expression language
  • C. XML expression language
  • D. JavaScript expression language

Answer: A

To access the content of a message in an integration flow, you can use the Simple expression language. The Simple expression language is a subset of the expressions defined in Camel Simple Expression Language, which is a language for accessing and manipulating message contents and exchange properties in Apache Camel integration framework. The Simple expression language supports various built-in variables, functions, operators, and literals that can be used to construct expressions for different purposes, such as routing conditions, content modification, variable assignment, and so on. You can use the Simple expression language when configuring components that support expressions, such as content modifier, router, filter, write variables, and so on. Reference: Using Camel Simple Expression Language | SAP Help Portal, Get to know Camel's Simple expression language in SAP Cloud Integration | SAP Blogs

You have created an API provider of the type Internet. What http response code indicates success?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 3

Answer: B

The http response code that indicates success is 200. The 200 response code means that the request was successfully processed and the response contains the expected data. Other response codes in the 2xx range also indicate success, but with some variations. For example, 201 means that a resource was created, 202 means that a request was accepted but not completed yet, and 204 means that there is no content in the response. Reference: Integration Software | SAP Integration Suite, Modernize Integration with SAP Integration Suite | openSAP

You have set up an integration process to use a SOAP adapter. Which event allows you to run the integration flow directly after deployment?

  • A. End Message
  • B. Start Event
  • C. End Event
  • D. Start Message

Answer: D

A Start Message event allows you to run the integration flow directly after deployment. A Start Message event is triggered when a message arrives at the integration flow through an inbound channel, such as a SOAP adapter. You can use a Start Message event to initiate an integration process based on a message input. Reference: Modernize Integration with SAP Integration Suite | openSAP


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